Sat.Jul 22, 2023

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Nursing: 5 things I wish I knew when I graduated


iStockPhoto | ThinkStock + Scrubs Nursing school was TOUGH. To this day, I still have flashbacks of panicked moments during those four overwhelming years of assignments and clinicals. Needless to say, I looked forward to graduation day and the pinning ceremony with relish. (I may or may not have drawn a smiley face with red heart eyes on the calendar…) Graduation day went off without a hitch, and then….reality hit.

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The History of Travel Nursing

The Gypsy Nurse

Jogan Health provided this article. When examining the history of travel nursing, one thing becomes glaringly obvious: it runs side by side with the history of nursing in general! Both professions were born at the same time – due to a high demand for professional and approachable assistance for patients – and both remain crucial today. During the COVID pandemic, for example, travel nurses became irreplaceable as a temporary solution measure against a virus that was ravaging healthcar

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The Relentless School Nurse: A Literal United Nations of School Nursing Leaders Joined Together in Boston

The Relentless School Nurse

Attending the School Nurse International Conference at Northeastern University School Health Academy in Boston was an incredible privilege. Bringing together school nurses from around the world, this event truly felt like the United Nations of school nursing leaders. With nearly 100 participants representing 17 countries and 15 states, the conference provided a unique and diverse platform for global collaboration and networking.