The dos and don’ts of working with a nurse recruiter

Finding a nursing job can be challenging, especially if you do it alone. This is why nursing recruiters exist. They often have the connections and network that allow you to find the perfect nursing job for you. You might wonder how to act around them, how to present the best version of yourself, or even how to impress them. Below, we’ve compiled a list of dos and don’ts of working with a nurse recruiter.

Top 5 do’s

To start our discussion about the dos and don’ts of working with a nurse recruiter, let’s discuss the best practices you should do.

Be honest

Honesty is the best policy, and the same goes for recruiters. Being transparent will go a long way. This goes for both nursing recruiters and those applying for the job.

Being upfront will help recruiters gauge whether you are the right fit for the job. It will help them understand your skills and abilities more.

A nursing recruiter’s honesty will also allow you to see the job's benefits and downsides. This will help you decide about pursuing the career.

Have great communication skills

Like any other job interview, communication skills are a must. Learn how to present yourself well and effectively get your message across. Nursing recruiters want to know more about you and see if you are a right fit for their company.

Your communication skills will help you sell your achievements and convince them that you are the one they’ve been looking for.

Be unafraid to ask questions

Questions are an integral part of the process. Never be afraid to clarify something you are unsure about or ask the recruiter to expound on a particular subject matter. A good nursing recruiter will gladly welcome your questions and provide answers.

Asking questions will help you ascertain if your values and goals align with the company’s mission. It can also help you better market yourself to the company.

Participate and be involved

Getting a job through a nursing recruiter may seem like a passive process to some. However, this is far from the truth. Participating is part of our list of dos and don’ts of working with a nurse recruiter.

Showing the nursing recruiter that you are passionate and want to be part of the process is good. It shows them that you are professional and take the initiative. 

Don’t be scared to get your hands dirty. You can ask questions and have the initiative to follow up with the recruiters.

Be concise and specific

Nursing recruiters have a lot on their plate. This can affect you and slow down your chances of finding a job. Being concise and specific about what you want and your capabilities will help nursing recruiters find the perfect match for you.

You should achieve a balance between being specific while also avoiding a too-narrow range. You don’t want to eliminate all the job openings by being too nitpicky.

Top 5 don’ts

Now that you know what nurse recruiters like, it’s time to discuss what to avoid. Check out the second part of our list of dos and don’ts of working with a nurse recruiter below.

Be rude and unprofessional

This is a general rule that most people tend to forget. Nursing recruiters are there for a reason. They want to match the right people with the right jobs.

Being rude and showing poor manners reflects poorly on you. It will also deter the nursing recruiter from recommending you as a potential candidate for the job.

Remember: nursing recruiters are humans doing their job too. Please treat them with the courtesy and respect that they deserve.

Supply generic answers

Recruiters want to see you as you. They want to see your abilities and also your personality. Allow your personality to shine through. Don’t be afraid to add flair to your answers.

Replying with generic answers will make it harder for your recruiter to link you with the right job. They also result in overly professional interviewees who will not catch an employer’s attention.

Be stiff and awkward

One thing on our list of dos and don’ts of working with a nurse recruiter is not to let your tension get to you. Relax and loosen up a little when facing nursing recruiters. This may be a daunting time for you but allow yourself a moment to pause and breathe. 

Stiff and awkward interviews will not leave a good first impression on employers and recruiters. It will leave you looking like a robot who only talks in a monotone. This is especially important as we are in the field of healthcare. 

You must be as amiable and pleasant to the recruiters as you are to patients. 

Pester or hassle recruiters

Being involved in the process is a good thing. Being too involved in the recruiting process that you are micromanaging your recruiter is bad. 

Following up with the recruiter is good when done as needed. However, refrain from chatting them up in the middle of the night and asking for updates. These leave a bad impression on the recruiters and make you look desperate and annoying. 

Take for granted the opportunities

Nursing recruiters can be the right bridge to help you find the best job. They can find a position for you that you wouldn’t have been able to secure for yourself. 

Learn to be grateful for the opportunities and grab them by the hand. 

Work well with recruiters this 2023

Nursing recruiters can be a great helping hand. They can fill in the gap between employer and employee. When dealing with them, remember the tips we listed on the dos and don’ts of working with a nurse recruiter.


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