
What is clinical supervision and how can it be delivered in practice?

Digital Edition: What is clinical supervision and how can it be delivered in practice?

This article explores different types of clinical supervision and aims to provide answers to some main questions about this process of professional support

Clinical supervision is not a new phenomenon and has been used for many years across a variety of healthcare disciplines, including mental health and midwifery; however, clinicians are often confused about what it is and how it can be applied. When discussing the foundations of clinical supervision, there is a need to enhance, not replace, existing learning and teaching programmes, and quick fixes should not be considered a solution. This article aims to answer some of the main questions about clinical supervision and discuss the different formats it can take.

Citation: Butterworth T (2022) What is clinical supervision and how can it be delivered in practice? Nursing Times [online]; 118: 2, 20-22.

Author: Tony Butterworth is emeritus professor, University of Lincoln.
This article has been double-blind peer reviewed
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