
Setting up a national clinical supervision subject expert group

Digital Edition: Setting up a national clinical supervision subject expert group

More research on clinical supervision has been done in recent years and positive outcomes are apparent – as a safeguard as well as a valuable tool for education, support and organisational development

The Covid-19 pandemic has reignited discussions about the importance of clinical supervision. This article looks at how a subject expert group, convened by the Florence Nightingale Foundation, is collaborating to influence the opportunity to access clinical supervision for nurses and midwives. It reports on the early impact this group is having and considers what can be done to draw attention to its agenda.

Citation: Sainsbury J and Stacey G (2022) Setting up a national clinical supervision subject expert group. Nursing Times [online]; 118: 2, 23-25.

Authors: Jess Sainsbury is research and policy assistant, Florence Nightingale Foundation; Professor Gemma Stacey is director of the Academy, Florence Nightingale Foundation.
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