NMC appoints chair for advanced practice steering group

Kay Fawcett
Kay Fawcett will chair the steering group

A former NHS nurse director has been appointed to lead the steering group for the national review of advanced nursing and midwifery practice by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC).

Kay Fawcett, former executive chief nurse at both Derby Hospitals and University Hospitals Birmingham NHS foundation trusts, will take on the role of chair for the independent steering group.

The NMC review is exploring whether a specific system of regulation needs to be introduced for the increasing number of nurses and midwives working in advanced practice roles.

The steering group, due to meet for the first time in September, has been set up to review all the evidence and options, and put forward recommendations to the NMC council.

A registered nurse for 43 years, Ms Fawcett’s career has included working clinically in emergency care, providing higher education in nursing and psychology and executive-level NHS leadership.

Ms Fawcett more recently has played a role in developing nursing and support worker apprenticeships as well as the national care certificate for support and social care workers.

She said she was delighted to be appointed as chair for the NMC advanced practice steering group.

“Health and social care is becoming increasingly complex, but I’m confident we will make the right recommendations that support the future of nursing and midwifery practice,” said Ms Fawcett.

“I look forward to collaborating with the NMC and its partners, including hearing the voice of the public, to ensure that any proposed changes are in the best interests of people receiving care from advanced nursing and midwifery practitioners.”

Meanwhile, Sam Foster, NMC executive director of professional practice, said Ms Fawcett’s knowledge and experiences in both clinical practice and education would be “invaluable” for the review.

“As we consider the range of options to available to us, any changes we make must benefit the public and people receiving care from advanced practitioner,” added Ms Foster.

“It’s crucial that we work collaboratively with a wide range of stakeholders from across the UK, and throughout health and social care. This will ensure any proposals we put to our council lead to better care for everyone, everywhere.

“Under Kay’s leadership I’m confident this steering group will be well placed to advise us.”

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