5 Decisions for Self-Leadership

Pumpkins on brown leaves

Self-Leadership is the foundational skill of the Well-Being Coaching Program. It goes deeper than self-care because it empowers you to make the best decisions for yourself that affect your overall Well-Being. Self-Leadership requires you to commit the time and energy to know and care about yourself enough to make yourself a priority.

Here are 5 decisions to support your Self-Leadership:

1. I start my day positive.
How you start your day sets the tone for the rest of it, so do something positive for yourself in the first 30-60 minutes. Move, pray, read, journal, or spend quiet time with your coffee to start your day feeling good, focused, and grounded.

2. I create healthy boundaries.
Choosing not to overextend and overcommit yourself to projects or activities at work and home is proactive protection for your mental and physical health. This is not necessarily because you are too busy, but because you don’t want to be too busy.

3. I keep my word.
Doing what you say you will do builds trust and character in the relationship you have with yourself and everyone else. You have to say no to one thing (#2) in order to keep your promise to something or someone else.

4. I learn from my mistakes.
Instead of beating yourself up endlessly about a mistake or even failure, ask, What can I learn from this? There is always a lesson in a blunder and the ideal is only having to learn it once!

5. I take responsibility.
Blaming someone or something else for your circumstances keeps you stuck and powerless. When you remember you are the common denominator in every situation and relationship, you can change it by choosing how you show up for it.

The decision to support yourself to feel good may sound selfish initially, but the complete opposite is true. When you have more connection, engagement and energy for yourself, you feel good and have more for everyone else.

What decision could you make today to feel good about yourself?


  1. Dr. Lois Salmeron, Dean Emeritus, Kramer School of Nursing at Oklahoma City University on March 5, 2024 at 8:08 pm

    AMEN!! and definitely worthwhile behaviors.

    • Diane Sieg on May 10, 2024 at 1:56 pm

      Thank you Lois.
      Take good care,

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