
I received my Bachelor of Science in Nursing at Nova Southeastern University and credited my education at NSU for playing a significant role in my successful nursing career.

My education exposed me to many different specialty types during my clinicals and courses. As a result, I ultimately chose a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit after completing my practicum in my final semester within the unit.

Education Boosts Confidence as New Nurse

The number of clinical rotations within my program helped me to feel confident in learning as a new nurse in an Intensive Care Unit. And the rigorous testing in nursing school helped me feel more confident in making quick decisions in the best interest of my patients.

I received a lot of first-hand experience in the hospital system working with actual patients, which allowed me to dive right into learning and taking on more certifications. I worked in the PICU for over five years, further expanding my knowledge of neonates, general pediatrics, and lactation education.

evidence-based research-sparks-nursing-career

Taylor Bonacolta, RN, BSN, CLC is the creator behind June and Lily, a platform created to provide evidence-based research to help new moms make informed decisions regarding breastfeeding, postpartum, and caring for their new babies

Finding a Passion for New Mothers

Through continuing education, I found my passion for caring for new mothers and their babies, and I decided to further my lactation education and become a Certified Lactation Counselor. I became one of the designated breastfeeding counselors for my unit and created an informational pamphlet for breastfeeding mothers dealing with a critically ill child.

The emphasis on evidence-based research throughout my education has also helped me tremendously throughout my career. As a nurse, staying up-to-date on the latest research is essential in my daily practice. The ability to find and stay up-to-date with evidence-based research helps me in many ways in the career I have today.

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Evidence-based Research Sparks Career Transition

After having two children, I decided to transition my career to spend more time with my little ones at home. I now run my own business, June and Lily , where I offer evidence-based education and support for new moms to confidently navigate breastfeeding, postpartum, and caring for their new babies.

My passion changed after having my babies. And that’s one thing I love about nursing is its flexibility. I can continue working in health care doing something I’m passionate about by providing support to many new moms.

If it weren’t for my nursing education and career path, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I highly value the real-life lessons I learned through my education to become a nurse.

My education made me feel comfortable enough to branch off into my own business, providing support and education for a whole population of people. I plan to continue growing my business and supporting new mothers locally. I am forever thankful for my nursing education, which shaped my nursing career today.

Taylor Bonacolta
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