Test B

What’s Good About Nursing?

Over the course of many weeks, we have heard numerous reports from the media, findings from various research studies about nurses. In fact, all healthcare professionals, and the amazing work that they continue to do by caring for patients, your mom, dad, brother, sister, child, or your friend. We have also heard many reports that have given us all PAUSE about the burden nurses are experiencing due to continually caring for COVID-19 patients. I am not disagreeing that nurses are working at the top of their ‘limit’ and that we as nurse leaders MUST put measures in place to assist nurses. That must happen! However, is there another aspect that we as nurse leaders are missing?


Recently I was in a meeting where a noted nursing workforce strategist asked us to consider how we are describing nursing to our colleagues, families, and the public. He asked us to consider what is good, what is right about nursing because it cannot be ALL negative. Essentially, what are the strengths of nurses? We know that nurses do and will continue to do amazing things not just for each other but for our patients, their families, our organizations, our communities, and our nation. But what exactly are the positive things about nurses/nursing? As I pondered what is good about nursing question, I came up with 14 reflections.

  1. Nurses are risk takers: we will RUN toward a problem first before thinking of ourselves to ensure the patient is well supported.
  2. Nurses care: we will ‘hold’ the hand of someone who is not our patient, because that is what the patient needs.
  3. Nurses are critical thinkers: we will use our critical thinking abilities to quickly process the best option for our patients.
  4. Nurses are innovators: we will design innovative solutions for patients, based on the best available research.
  5. Nurses are relationship builders: we will walk into a patient’s room and quickly develop a lasting relationship with our patients.
  6. Nurses are patient advocates: we will advocate for the rights of our patients to ensure they are kept safe.
  7. Nurses are teachers: we will teach patients everything necessary so they can successfully care for themselves.
  8. Nurses are protectors: we will create environments to protect patients from harm.
  9. Nurses are planners: we will collaborate with patients and families, members of the interprofessional team to develop the best plan of care for patients.
  10. Nurses are coordinators: we will utilize resources and the expertise of interprofessional team members to deliver exceptional care to patients.  
  11. Nurses are leaders: we will lead ourselves and teams to successfully meet the needs of patients.
  12. Nurses are communicators: we will converse with patients using the best means possible.  
  13. Nurses are confidence makers: we give patients HOPE.
  14. Nurses are compassionate because we care.

After you read my 14 What’s Good About Nursing Reflections, I know what you are thinking! You are right, the 14 reflections are not an all-encompassing list. To my nursing and non-nursing colleagues, what would you say is Good About Nursing? I challenge you to develop your own What’s Good About Nursing Reflections and share them with your friends, family, and colleagues.

Finally, my all-time favorite video that depicts more about What’s Good About Nursing was created by the Johnson & Johnson Nursing team. Perhaps it can spark your “What’s Good About Nursing conversation. Title: Nurses Change Lives. (2018). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTMuh6AF3A



You can’t open a nursing journal article or go on a nursing website without seeing and experiencing the huge burden of nurses and all healthcare professionals as we deal with the Covid-19 pandemic.


Many nurses and healthcare professionals who continue to care for Covid-19 patients are exhausted while others are absolutely burnt out. As leaders, is there another ‘filter’ that we can add into the conversation? The filter of Appreciative Inquiry (AI) draws on the strengths and accomplishments of individuals, groups, teams, and organizations to invigorate a collective approach.


Add the filter of Appreciative Inquiry to identify and reflect on the strengths or rather what’s good about nursing.


Read the What’s Good About Nursing article, then create your own What’s Good About Nursing Reflections to share with your family, friends, and colleagues.