Find Balance in Life

Professional Help From Skilled Corporate Trainer, LeAnn Thieman

As a corporate trainer and keynote speaker, I get many questions on finding life balance. When I am asked that question, I ask this one in return: “What is the number one priority in your life?”

I know I challenge people when I suggest that priorities are not what you say they are, but how you spend your time. We can’t give lip service to one thing and then spend our time on another. Clearly, what we spend our time doing is that we have made the priority, is it not?

When our lives get out of balance, it’s usually so slowly we don’t realize it. You may have heard the story about a frog. If you place a frog in a vat of boiling water, (don’t call the ASPCA, we wouldn’t really do this!) it immediately jumps out to save its life. But if you put a frog in a vat of cold water and very slowly turn up the heat, it gets hotter and hotter and hotter, and the frog dies there because the change was so gradual, it didn’t sense the danger. 

Are there negative changes happening to your commitment to priorities? If so, turn down the heat.

It’s important to remember we are always juggling multiple balls of responsibility in our lives. It’s crucial to determine which of these are rubber and which are glass. The rubber ones…which are often all our “stuff”, our committees, even our jobs…if they are dropped, they can bounce back or be replaced. The glass ones…which are usually our health and those we love…if they are broken, they are irretrievably broken. Don’t drop them. 

How we spend our time is truly an indicator of how we live our priorities, isn’t it? 

For more guidance like this, turn to SelfCare for HealthCare, founded by me, LeAnn Thieman. We specialize in helping healthcare organizations and their nurses and caregivers enjoy a healthy work environment. By putting staff care first, we find that organizations can improve patient care as well. Contact us today to get started.