Olympic Sized Leadership Lessons

Olympic Sized Leadership Lessons

If you were like me, you watched some of the Summer 2020 Olympic events held in Tokyo. What fascinated me is the ‘back story’ that got these athletes to where they are today, Olympians! I listened as some athletes described when at an early age, they started learning the “how’s” of their event and the numerous resources (people and financial) that enabled them to now be at the top of their game. These athletes were clear about their goal and made every workout/practice session count. I listened as one gold medalist said, ‘I trained for this, I got here because I worked hard’.

A lesson I learned from the Olympic athletes is identifying your goal, then taking consistent steps to get to your goal is EVERYTHING. Note the word CONSISTENT!

For my summer reading challenge, I finished the book The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy. The main theme of his book is: consistent small choices along with small actions taken over time, reaps unbelievable results.

Now I am not saying that we can ALL be Olympic athletes! But all of us want to achieve unbelievable results, whatever that result, or outcome is for you. The question is, are we willing to make a small choice and take a small action consistently over time or as that Olympic gold medal athlete called it ‘work hard’ to get there? Mr. Hardy’s book confirms the mindset of these Olympic athletes.

When I think of leadership, in what way does this consistent mindset apply to leadership? Well, here are some ideas. As leaders, how are we being consistent with our teams? Are we changing the ‘goal post’? Can everyone articulate the goal and the reason for the goal? Can all members of your team articulate what behaviors or actions each person is to do to get to the goal?

Would love to hear what other ideas you have about the influence of a consistent mindset on the achievement of goals.


Hardy, D. (2020). The Compound Effect. Hachette Book Group, Inc. ISBN: 978-0-306-92463-7.