Positive Behavioral Supports Training


Psychological services must include a variety of behavioral support services that encourage the development of adaptive, pro-social behaviors, enhance rehabilitation, and assist in reducing the incidence of behaviors that hinder recovery and community integration.

What You’ll Learn

  • Overview of behavioral support services
    • Milieu and individual behavioral support services
  • Handling requests for consultation
    • Consultation and feedback
  • Completing functional assessments
  • Developing Type I and Type II interventions
  • Orientation requirements for behavioral interventions
  • Collecting data for behavioral interventions
  • Determining treatment effectiveness


Course length: 30 minutes; CEU: 0.5

Languages: American English

Key features: Audio narration, learning activity, and post-assessment.

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What Does the Psychological Service Provide?

As was previously mentioned, the psychological service must provide a variety of support services that encourage the development of adaptive, pro-social behaviors, enhance rehabilitation, as well as assist in reducing the incidence of behaviors that hinder recovery and community integration.  If needed, it is extremely important to seek the necessary support for these behaviors. 

Additionally, they must offer staff members training and instruction that is based on behavioral principles, including a description of behavior support services during clinical employee orientation. To name a few, psychological services offer the following support.

  • Consultation with treatment teams, including patients, to promote pro-social and adaptive behavior development and to cut down on actions that obstruct healing and reintegration into society.
  • Evaluation of patients displaying behavioral issues.
  • Encouraging effective approaches to boost patient motivation.

There are also two different types of support services. These include the Millieu Behavior Support Services and the Individual Behavioral Support Services. These services are thoroughly covered throughout the course.

Behavioral Interventions

In addition, there are two types of behavioral interventions discussed in the course. A consultation meeting between a member of the psychology service and the treatment team leads to a Type I intervention. This intervention technique makes use of the positive behavioral support concept, which also aims to pinpoint problematic behaviors and the patient’s motivations behind them.

Moreover, a Type II intervention is a formal behavioral strategy used to address complex or treatment-resistant behavioral issues. This method includes a consultation meeting with the treatment team to define the maladaptive behavior(s) in question.

However, for patients with more complicated behavioral issues or those who require a formal Functional Assessment, a second consultation with the team is done following the functional assessment. This enables them to examine the findings and also allows them to create discipline-and behavior-specific interventions to address the problematic behaviors.

behavioral support

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